atomic level

英 [əˈtɒmɪk ˈlevl] 美 [əˈtɑːmɪk ˈlevl]

网络  原子水平; 原子级; 原子层次



  1. At the atomic level, you could manipulate cells and heal people.
  2. Individual rules are defined at an atomic level& that is, you can define a unique combination of conditions that will execute one and only one rule for that collection of triggers.
  3. So beware wine scammers. Because even at the atomic level, in vino veritas.
  4. The device uses beams of x-rays a trillion times brighter than medical x-rays, and produces images at the atomic level.
  5. The method, called atomic level deposition, coats silver objects with a protective oxide film in layers just a single atom thick.
  6. It reacted to and was influenced by those stimuli on a subcellular and even atomic level, in ways that left Human molecular psychologists shaking their heads and talking to themselves.
  7. Scientists still yet not find a "unified theory" that applies to things at cosmic level as well as "atomic level".
  8. In addition, their research reveals the detailed structure of the V1/ V2 region, the last part of the virus surface to be visualized at the atomic level.
  9. Imagine a technology that would enable you to detect material damage at an atomic level prior to the appearance of cracks.
  10. I intend to collapse the false gods that are of my inheritance back into the sub atomic level where they belong.
  11. Molecular collision and reaction dynamics is a subject of studying microscopic mechanism of chemical reaction in molecular and atomic level.
  12. The Effect of Photon Statistics on AC Stark Shift of Atomic Level
  13. It has been shown that whether resonant or non-resonant interaction system, the Kerr effect weakens the coupling of the field-atom, shortens the cycle of quantum collapses and revivals of the atomic level occupation and makes the nonclassical correlation properties steady.
  14. The study on micro-mechanism of the thin film growth at atomic level will reveal the physical nature of thin film, and will be of great significance in both the development of equipments of thin film manufacture and the invention of new thin film materials.
  15. This is different from the one-photon process. ( 2) The original two-photon JC model is generalized to the case of degenerate atomic level.
  16. In this paper, the model which consists of homogeneous broadened three atomic level is proposed, when both the pump classical field and laser field exist we discuss the gain, frequency pulling and threshold condition of the weak pumping.
  17. Using selective stepwise excitation of the cesium 8S atomic level in Cs vapor, the collisional transfer and the population of the high-lying atomic states were studied in detail.
  18. In the 2nd chapter, We derive the dimensionless dynamic equations of two-photon lasers with ∧ atomic level configuration by using the quantum Langevin equation method with the considerations of atomic coherence and injected classical fields.
  19. The influence of Kerr medium and virtual photon field on the atomic level occupation probability
  20. In this study, based on the ionic distribution, osmosis and impurity elements distribution, the Ti bone integration mechamism was discussed at molecular and atomic level.
  21. In this paper, the method of transition oscillator strength from singly ionized Kr atomic level lifetimes are described, and main results are discussed.
  22. Spectroelectrochemistry ( SEC) as a combination of electrochemistry with spectroscopy can provide highly specific information on the electrode process at the molecular/ atomic level, and it has been widely recognized as one of the most exciting achievements in electrochemistry and electroanalytical chemistry.
  23. The field ion image of tungsten with resolution of atomic level has been obtained and the surface structure of tungsten has been analysed.
  24. Study on the diffusion of adatom and ad-dimer at atomic level is the primary task of simulating the mechanism of thin film growth by computer and it will have significant instructional meaning for our understanding of the physical essence of thin film growth.
  25. At the same time, mechanical force has also induced bond of between some C atoms and N atoms at atomic level.
  26. The first principles method, as it could effectively give the details at atomic level for materials, has been widely applied in computational physics and chemistry, materials and theoretical chemistry.
  27. The program optimizes modeling and simulation in view of the characteristics of nano-material and nano-manipulation. We can study the stability, deformation behavior of nano-material during mechanical process and crystal growth on the surface at atomic level.
  28. It provides a way in silico to study the intra-and inter-molecular reaction dynamically at atomic level.
  29. MD simulation approach can provide dynamic information of the interaction between ADARs and its binding nucleic acids at atomic level, which is difficult to obtain or can not be predicted from the experiments.
  30. MD simulation is one of the important theoretical tool to study molecular systems at atomic level.